June 2020 Webull Account
Made my first purchase in my brand new Webull Account. In my most honest opinion it is NOT for new traders! This is not to say that the app is not very nice and very useful. It very much is a great app, but I personally would have been blown away with all the chart details and options when I first started trading. That being said, I highly recommend new traders starting with STASH or Robinhood before graduating up to Webull.
So I started using Webull today, and I made my first trade. One share of TQQQ. I'm not sure yet how I will be using this account. I know I will be swing trading, and I'm really thinking that I will mostly be trading leveraged index ETF's.
Anyway, here is my first screenshot. I'm not sure how I will be sharing the info from this account, but for now this will suffice.
June 5, 2020
Closed up $3.36

June 8, 2020
Gotta admit it, I am not liking the Webull very much. It may well be a great product, but it is not good for the beginner in my opinion. It has its place among traders there's no doubt. At my experience level with charts I would prefer it for my personal portfolio, but it seems to be marketed to newbies, and I think it is a mistake for young traders to start with this app. This is not me trying to keep anyone from using it, I am simply trying to warn new traders to use caution. There is much information added to the webull charts that can cause you some frustration if you are not ready for it.
I will be focusing more of my attention to Robinhood and STASH in this blog because I am using this blog to help people who have concerns or fear of putting money into the stock market to overcome those fears and concerns. I want to make sure I steer them in the right direction.
My free stock for signing up with Webull showed up today. There is another on the way for funding my account with $100 or more. If you want some free shares you can use the link below to sign up.
June 11, 2020
June 12, 2020
June 15, 2020

June 16, 2020
June 17, 2020
Down $3.00
CLICK HERE to see my progress so far!
CLICK the Feather to learn more about Robinhood
CLICK on STASH to learn more about STASH
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