Create Profit Centers With Side-Hustle Income Part 2

Welcome back! In part 2 I want to help you identify some potential profit centers that you can start quickly. They can be started with limited funds and resources and then be built upon over time. I will be sharing with you things that I do for side hustles. Nothing that you do to earn income will come free. You will need to give it your time, energy, and yes, MONEY. If you think it will come without those 3 things you are lying to yourself or believing a lie that someone is telling you. PERIOD!
Now that is not to say that in time money won't come to you more easily, but that is in the distant future for now. You've heard it said that the first million is the hardest to make. That implies that the second, third, fourth and each million after become easier. Lets move forward with that idea in mind. 

My Side Hustles

First of all you need to understand that I am only telling you about my personal experience with side hustles. I am talking about these particular ones because they are what i have found as a means of earning a side income without it taking up too much of my time. That is what you are looking for in a good side hustle. Small financial investment, limited time investment, and the ability to expand exponentially over time. Please note that these are not the only opportunities out there. There are literally thousands of opportunities. I am presenting to you the ones that I do so that maybe it will get your mind thinking in areas you may not normally think about thus getting your creative juices flowing. 

Side hustle #1

My number one side hustle is beekeeping. There are many ways to make money with a beekeeping side hustle. I will list them for you, but understand that most of these are extremely labor and time intensive. As a side hustle I really want to focus on one thing to get you started, and that is the most obvious product from the beehive, HONEY. 
Why honey? Ease! Honey is harvested one or two times a year depending on the geographic location of the hives and the overall preference of the beekeeper. Those times are in the late Spring and late Fall. For me it is July and November. What that means is that the bulk of your work will be around those times of year. That is not to say that there is nothing else to do throughout the year, but if you are only trying to produce honey there is not a huge time investment in doing that. Mostly you will be adding more room to the hives as they need it. For information on what exactly you will need to start a beekeeping side hustle check out this blog What You'll Need To Start Beekeeping. It really only covers the basics to get you started, but you will also need bees. You do not need to buy bees. I have a series on this website on how to catch your very own bees. You can check out the series here How To Catch Wild Honey Bees. If however you are trying to start this side hustle after the summer solstice (June 20th) or before the solar equinox (March 20th) you will find it hard, if not impossible to catch a wild swarm. In that case you will be better off buying bees. If this is the case do some research and try to find a local supplier of local bees. Bees that are acclimated to you area will thrive better than bees brought in from a distant source. If you do have to buy bees expect to pay a minimum of $150 for a colony. 
Lets talk about how much you can make with honey sales. Lets base the numbers on you owning 20 hives and each hive produces 5 gallons of honey. Keep in mind, that 5 gallons of honey can vary greatly dependending on your length of season, rainfall, strength of the colony, available flora and fauna, your ability to manage the hive, and the health of your bees. That amount can quickly go from 5 gallons to 20 gallons, or even to 2 gallons depending on the improvement or breakdown of any of the factors listed. So with the numbers listed you are going to produce 100 gallons of honey per harvest. Honey is sold by the pound. One gallon of honey weighs approximately 12 pounds. The current national price for honey is between $8 and $10 per pound. Packaging can mean higher prices, but we're just gonna go with $8 per pound. 
So we were able to harvest 1200 pounds of honey and sell it all for the retail price of $8 per pound and gain a gross profit of $9600. That ain't bad side hustle money! Keep in mind that that is with only 20 hives. If you have sufficient resources for the bees you can have many more colonies on your property. If not, you can get creative and maybe find someone in the area that would be willing to let you keep bees on their property. You could end up with hundreds or even thousands of honey bee colonies all over your state. And all you had to do is provide the bees with a place to live and they did all the hard work, all you had to do was collect their finished product and sell it. Bam! $10,000 in your pocket!
If you are not interested in selling honey, there are many other ways that you can earn income with honey bees. I won't be discussing them here, but I will introduce you to the different ways. These are all much more labor intensive, but they are all ways you can turn a beekeeping side hustle into a fulltime business. Here's the list:

1. Sell bulk rendered beeswax. 
2. Sell candles, soaps, and cosmetics from wax.
3. Sell bee pollen.
4. Sell Royal Jelly
5. Sell Bee venom
6. Sell Mead (may require licensing and permits)
7. Sell bee colonies.
8. Sell Queen Bees.
9. Sell Bee Equipment.
10. Sell Bee Stings (Apitherapy)
11. Sell Propolis. 

 There may be more ways that I forgot to include here, but I think you get the idea. Some of these may even be included into selling honey with only a tiny bit more effort and time investment. 

Side Hustle #2

My number two side hustle is blogging! I bet you would have never guessed, right!? Blogging is likely one of the easiest ways to start making money online. It is simple to set up a blog, it can be very easy to create content, and best of all you can actually start a blog today for free! The blog you are currently reading is hosted on the platform which is owned by google. It is one of the oldest blogging platforms on the internet. I have used it for many years and still prefer it to the others out there. I'm a bit old school, but I would rather write a blog than create a video ( though I do that as well from time to time).
I will try to explain how you can use a blog as a side hustle to earn extra money. Understand that a blog or vlog(video blog) can take time....sometime years to start bringing in money. But once it starts bringing in money it will just keep flowing as long as you leave the content on the internet. This is why I like using I have content on my earliest blogger accounts that is still generating web traffic everyday. We are talking from things I posted 15+ years ago. Don't snub your nose at the value of a written blog. It is effective....there is a reading audience.
So, here are some of the ways I use my blog to earn extra income as a side hustle. First of all you need to have a basic idea of what you want to do. Many gurus on the internet say that you need to stick to one niche. While I don't disagree that this is the best way to proceed, it is not exactly what I am doing with this blog. I mostly write about things that interest me, review books, promote financial products I use, and plan to incorporate many other things to The BigDaddyBigz Blog over the next few years. Simply put, I am only sharing my experiences to help others find good books, make extra income, and explore new hobbies and ideas. It ends up being a hodge-podge of this and that. So how can one make money that way? Easy! I incorporate 3 ways of doing this with my blog. They are as follows:

     1. I have a product.
     2. I have an idea.
     3. I have things I refer to people.

Lets take these one at a time. First, the product. I actually sell honey bees and honey. Simply put, I share a little knowledge I have gained about them, share a few videos of what I do with them, and teach a bit to others. People look at the info. Some will buy bees from me, some will buy honey, and some will simply enjoy the entertainment value of the the content I provide. Whatever their takeaway, it makes me happy to impact their life for the moment. 

The second one is about having an idea. My idea is to share my thoughts on the books I read. For me, this is a two fold project. I need to read more, but sometimes struggle making myself sit and read. Writing book reviews in hopes to direct you to reading the books I enjoy keeps me focused somewhat on sitting and reading therefore I read more. The other part is how much I learn in the process. I don't read many stories, but more self-help type books. My hope is to become a better human being in the process of reading the books I choose to read, and that you will in turn buy these books for yourself.  The way I earn side hustle money with this is by being an amazon affiliate. You can sign up here and start referring people to the website and earning a commission when you do. Let me tell you how simple it is. I read a book (or use a product), I go to my blog and write my thoughts about the book or product. I post it with a link I'm given in my amazon affiliate account that takes them to the product page of the book or product I wrote about. That link has a code in it that tells amazon I referred a customer from my blogpost to their website. When they buy the book I get a small commission. Buy wait, there's more! Because they used my link to get to amazon, andytime over the next few days that they return to amazon and make a purchase I will get a commission for that purchase and any other they make in the time that the link code stays active. This could be only pennies, or it could be thousands! Once you have earned enough to bring your earnings up to a preset threshold Amazon will send you a check for that amount. Viola! Easy money!

And for the third one on the list. Refer things to people. This one can be done in numerous ways. From writing about products for certain manufacturers (similar to what I mentioned with Amazon), to writing promos for local businesses. Keep everything honest or you will lose your credibility and never regain it. 
So how does this work? In its simplest form lets just say that many apps you use may have an option to "become an affiliate". I'm sure you have been on a website, scrolled to the bottom and seen this on the list of pages contained on the website. To give an example I will use an app that I use for trading stocks on my smartphone. Many of you have probably heard of it, it is called Robinhood. If you'll notice the word Robinhood in the previous sentence is highlighted RED and underlined. You know that means that by clicking there it will bring you to the robinhood website where you can sign up to start an account. But, did you also know that there is a code in the link that will let robinhood know I am the one who sent you there to sign up? And that if you sign up they will reward me with a stock....or three depending upon the promotion they are offering. They also offer the same promotion to you, but only if you use a referral link. If you go to the website without using a referral link you will forfeit your ability to receive the current promotion. Here, I'll give you another chance at the current promo. Click the link to see what it is Robinhood
At the end of this section I will list many of the products I currently do and have in the past promote on this website. Click on them and see if any would be of interest to you.
Before I do that though, let me share with you briefly how this can work with local businesses. 
If you have ever had exceptional service from a local business and have given them a 5 star review on google you have done them a great service and have helped your community learn where to spend their money. You can take this a notch higher. Just by freely and without provocation, you can write these reviews in a blog, post the review on your personal facebook page, and in return, as a thank you, these businesses may be inclined to compensate you either monetarily or through an offering of services they provide. This is not a sure thing, and should never be expected, but it does happen. If nothing else, you have served your community and a local business well. 
Now, for the list of products I have referred on this blog:
     1. of course Robinhood
    2. STASH
    3. Coinbase
    5. Audible
    6. 3commas (I haven't written about this yet, but it is my current favorite)

What Can You Do

There is more that I do. I have other livestock that I raise to sell. I could sell produce, and may in the future. We will be starting a small mushroom farm in the Fall of 2021 that I will promote here. My question is, what can you do? What gets your motor running? I want to hear from you about things that you do to earn more money. Your side hustle.

In part 3 of this series I'll be writing about something I'm working on. I really think you'll like it. It may open up a whole new world of side hustle possibilities to you. Stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by, and be a blessing to the Creator. That's really why you are here.

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