Lecture Review: What About Paganism? By Toby Janicki

Hello everybody, thanks for taking a minute to check out this review. As you may have noticed I am expanding this blog to a little more than just book reviews. I honestly don't have a clear vision as to where we are actually going with it, but thanks for joining me for the ride.

This short blog post is a very personal post for me as it brushes up against some things I have wrestled with for many years now. Yes, the subject matter is a bit on the religious side of things, so buckle up!

In 2020 I purchased this lecture from FIrst Fruits Of Zion because I was struggling with some new understanding I was getting from the Bible. I was questioning some things that I was beginning to see on the subject of Paganism and how as a Christian I was to conduct myself before The Father. Long story short, I found myself in a very tough spot. I thought at the time that this lecture would help clear some of the muddy waters that I was wading through. I purchased the digital download, and there it sat on my phone for the next few years. 

Yesterday, 10-22-2022, I decided to listen to what it had to say. Why? Because we are coming up on that season of the year where my conviction and confusion collide. 

You see, my family and I have a strong conviction about following many of the teachings given to Moses by The Creator, and Jewish customs and traditions that have developed through their interpretation of the scriptures placed in their care by God. This way of life can cause difficulty when the holiday season arrives if you do not have a balanced approach to how to live in harmony with those whom you have relationships with but have opposing views on how the holidays should be celebrated. I doubt many of you reading this have had this problem, but BigDaddyBigz certainly has.

This lecture is written and read by First Fruits Of Zion teacher Toby Janicki. He explains from a scholarly and historically point of view what paganism is throughout the Jewish Bible. He gives example after example of what paganism looks like. You will learn what holidays are actually tied directly to paganism of the past, and what things in those holidays are still being used as pagan worship. He will lead you through what some of the modern "junk scholarship" has to say about these "pagan rituals, where these ideas have originated, what has truth and value, and what is pure garbage. Not only that, but Toby sites his findings throughout the lecture making it easy to research everything he says.

This lecture is not designed to change your mind about what you should or should not do. In no way will it disrupt anything you are doing now. If you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, Passover, 4th of July, or Thanksgiving odds are you will continue after listening. What it will help you accomplish is a place of peace in how to handle certain situations that may be problematic for you now. Example: for me it has been how to not be a stick in the mud around certain holidays. 

If you have had issues with enjoying holidays with your family and friends, and you don't want to compromise what you believe to be right, then you need to get this lecture from FFOZ. If, on the other hand, you have had a friend or family member that has distanced his/herself from their family during certain holidays because of a religious clash, you need this lecture so that you can understand them a bit better. As stated earlier, this is not designed to change you about how you celebrate. Not at all. It is only designed to dispense with some of the nonsense that has been published as fact (but without evidence), and to promote facts both through authority and academia. 

You can order the CDs or download the digital version at this website  https://ffoz.com/what-about-paganism-audio-cds.html 

Hey, thanks for stopping by. Be a blessing to God!

**Please note that I am not an affiliate with FFOZ. I was not paid in any way to right this review. It is merely an important issue that I know many may be helped by this lecture.**

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