STASH Account Intro

Here we go! The STASH account is ready to go. Before going further with this post please go read "A Brief Explanation" first. Here is the plan though it may change. I plan to keep a minimum of 5 ETF's and/or stocks at all times in this account. The only time there will not be 5 is after I have sold some and I'm waiting for the funds to settle so that I can repurchase what I've sold, compounding the returns(profits), or purchase other investment products. I really plan to keep this simple by sticking with S&P 500 ETF's and REIT's that pay a monthly dividend. I will be selling my ETF's and stock once they reach 5% or more gains. I will put half of the profits into my REIT, which at this time is ticker symbol O Realty Income Corp. This way I am compounding my returns and increasing my dividend income. I will also be placing my dividends that I receive from the other ETF's and stocks into O. All of this is subject to change. If so, I'll explain my change of plans at that time.
Thanks for coming along for the ride. Whenever you feel confident in starting your investment/stock trading journey just click one of the banners to the right and start your free account. With STASH you will get $20 to start investing as will I for referring you. With Robinhood you and I both will receive a free share of stock in a high profile company.  And remember, if I can help you just drop a comment and I'll get beck to you asap. 
Happy investing!


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