Do You Realize How Bad It Will Be Soon?

Are you prepared financially?
I don’t think most people realize how big of a number 1 trillion dollars is. Here is a little illustration.

If you earned 1$ a second how long would it take to make a trillion $?

Ok If I paid you 1$ a second you would earn $86k a day! Awesome right?

Making $86,000 a day it would take about 11 days to earn your first million dollars. Sweet! A millionaire in a little over a week!

Still earning $86,000 a day you would earn your 1st billion dollars in about 30 years. Ouch. That took a while. Well what about a trillion?

Earning $86,000 every single day it would only take 32000 years to earn a trillion...

Multiply that by 6 and that is how much money the fed has printed out of thin air in about a month. We will see massive inflation from this.

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