My Keto Journey

Update 8-26-2021 

Welcome! I hope My Keto Journey will give you hope and inspire you to start taking steps to get better control of your weight and overall health. Please view my book review of the book that has inspired my journey. My review of the book KETO CLARITY can be found by clicking this sentence. Once you've got an idea of when I started and my starting weight the above picture will give you a clearer picture of why it is important to me.

I don't intend to make a new blog post each time I have an update. Instead, I will simply add my updates here with a picture of the scale when I weigh-in. If you want to be notified of my updates you can follow my facebook page where I will post when there is an update, or you can just check back here from time to time. My updates should be at least monthly, maybe more often. 

So if you read my book review you know that my first 7 days following the plan set forth there I lost 10 pounds. What you don't know is what happened for next 13 days. Well, I'll tell you...NOTHING! That's right, not even a single ounce came off. Every morning the scale read exactly the same thing right down to the ounce. I was beginning to believe that the scale was broke, or the universe was having some fun with me.

Then, on Sunday the 22 I decided to make an adjustment to what I was doing as far as my eating was concerned. You see, one of the things mentioned in the book is to be careful how much protein you take in. The reason being is because if you consume too much protein and not enough fat your body may start to convert the protein into glucose thus knocking you out of ketosis. In the book they explain how to check your ketone levels, and I was checking everyday. Sure enough, I was going in and out of ketosis. Big problem! So I was trying to figure out ways to increase my fat without high amounts of protein. I have a bunch of egg laying hens, so I decided to increase my egg consumption and lower my meat consumption. VIOLA! The weight started coming off again. 5 whole pounds in just a few days. 

Do not get discouraged if your weightloss stops. Adjust your diet slightly and see what happens. There are many options available to learn Keto. The book Keto Clarity was most helpful for me because I was able to listen to it on Audible. Great for me because my job requires me to drive a lot. I love Audible...and Keto Clarity!

Weigh-in 9/22/21

Down another 3 lbs. Not huge weight loss, but I'll take it. This is working when nothing else has. Get the book!
This book is saving my life!


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