Book Review: How The Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns

 WARNING!! Proceed with caution! This book contains many pills that may be difficult to swallow. 

This is the first time I've read any work by Peter Enns, but I can promise you it won't be the last. This book has forced me to challenge my thinking on things like "the bible as a rule book", "Is God a helicopter parent", "and McDonalds coffee being swill". You see, I'm betting you are already finding it hard to swallow!

This book was truly a delight to read. In many ways it was refreshing, but in many other ways I often wanted to throw it against the wall. Do you like to be challenged? Are you one to research the things that challenge your beliefs? Do you concern yourself with the historical accuracy of what you have been taught? Are you ready to turn the diamond we call the Holy Bible and see a reflection of a facet you may never have seen before? 

If your answer is YES then hold on to your hat! This book will take you on the ride of your Christian life! CLICK HERE TO ORDER


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