Read More And Change Your Rotten Attitude About Life


The gist of the title of this post is directed at no one but myself. I have struggled with a poor attitude my entire life. It appears to be a genetic problem. Or maybe a learned problem. Or maybe it is just a lack of caring about my attitude and a belief or conditioning that "I'm just gonna be me and I don't care who likes it!" I am, and have been a very toxic human being, and it doesn't really matter where it came from. It is up to me to decide to change. Today, I make that decision. Won't you join me?

Why am I making this effort to change, and how does this relate to reading books? I'll answer both of these questions one at a time. Let me answer the first one, well...first.

We are created in God's image and likeness. We have a mortal body whose tendency is to be drawn to a more instinctual existence. You know, kind of like the animals. Just living a doing life in a reactionary way. You get hungry, you eat. You get thirsty, you drink. Someone does or says something that makes you uncomfortable, you lash out. God created us in His image and likeness, but we struggle against our flesh. Our animal instincts if you will. Is God an animal? No! This is where we have to decide to be more. We have to decide to not be animals. We have to decide to become what He wants us to become. MORE LIKE HIM! That is how He created us. To grow to be more and more like Him, but we have to put forth the effort. We have to do the work. He did His part in creating you. It is your turn to become more like Him. My pastor taught on this awhile back and he did a much better job explaining this concept. You can listen to the message here:

So what in the world does this have to do with books? Well, reading the right kind of material can be life changing. Even if you never make a big effort in implementing what you read the act of reading causes some of the information to get into your subconscious, and eventually if enough of this information gets in there you will begin to become more like whatever information you are feeding your mind. This is why I'm not big on reading stories. Enough of them will give you a skewed view of how the world should be and can end up damaging your overall outlook on life. Don't hunt me down and kill me, thats just a personal opinion that may not be a reality for you. I'm not down on entertainment reading, I just don't do a lot of it personally.

What kind of books you seek out is important if you are on a quest to change your way of thinking. The most important thing you will have to do is recognize there needs to be an improvement in your attitude and that you are willing to take the slow process of reading to help turn your outlook on life around. If you haven't taken that first and most important step, then it is likely you won't finish the first book. You have to read the books before they can help you. A library full of unread books is about as helpful as uneaten vegetables. If you don't ingest the stuff it does not help you. So make the decision to read and finish reading your first book. If someone were to ask me where to start I would tell them that the very first thing you need to read is  The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. At the time of this writing I am re-reading it so that I can give my review on it. I read it years ago, never really implemented it, but have recently decided to give it a good reading and implementation. There are some great ideas throughout the book that I believe can impact your life no matter how much of a sourpuss you may be. 

From there I suggest you start looking for other books that will help to empower you in your attitude, challenge you in new ways, and motivate you to excel in life, relationships, and business. These are the types of books I review. As my list grows, as my life takes a new direction, and as my relationships begin to flourish, I hope the same happens for you. 

Only you can decide to change your attitude. Get started making your life and the lives of those around you GREAT!


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