I Am Mad As Hell!

So, today is Mother's Day 2021. Happy Mother's Day to any mother that stumbles upon this post, no matter what day of the year it when you do so. It is Mother's Day and I was able to spend the day with my mom. She lives in a nursing home now, but they did allow her to leave the nursing home today in order to come spend time with her kids and a few of her grandkids in her house that she and dad built back in 1981. It was a good day despite her desire to stay at her house. Please understand that it just is not possible. None of her kids are in a financial position to pay for the type of round the clock care she would need. This is part of why I am mad as hell.

Mom and me 
My dad was a good man. He was the son of 2 great people who I miss very much. These two people, my grandparents, lived through the Great Depression. Although my grandpa had a good job with the telephone company during that time, they witnessed the hard times that many around the country were suffering. They weren't directly impacted themselves, but what they witnessed gave them a great fear of loss. It had the same effect on nearly all Americans. This, in my mind, has resulted in people craving security over wealth, and then teaching that concept to their own children simply by living that way their entire life. That has also resulted in our government leading with fear and a "promise" of security. Social security...

Let me explain what could happen to your social security when you need it the most. Are you ready for this? You will need your social security the most when you are the surviving spouse in your golden years. If you are dependant of social security at that point you will be completely strapped because inflation will gobble you up like the monster it is. If you find yourself in that condition you will have likely failed to teach your children to be wealthy because you were never taught those things therefore you never knew how to teach them to your kids. They will be Just Over Broke. They will be in a JOB that barely pays them enough to afford them a home, car, food on the table, and maybe a small vacation every year. They have a better life than you had at that age, but it still isn't enough to help take care of you in your old age. They will have no choice but to put you in a nursing home.

So lets talk about that for a minute. Now I can't speak for every state, but here in Louisiana where I live they will not take the home of someone being admitted to the nursing home. They will however take their Social Security check and any other liquid assets they may have and then leave them with $39 per month. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that the nursing home shouldn't do this. I am reasonable enough to realize they have to do this to pay for their expenses. I'm not mad about that. But when I saw my mom have to get in the car to go back to the nursing home today it made me MAD AS HELL! Why? 

Here's why! I am mad because there is a disease in this country that is destroying your personal wealth and your ability to achieve it. It is eating away at your finances like a cancer. The government wants to keep you enslaved to it. They don't allow you to be taught anything in public school that will make you wealthy. They only teach you what will make you a good employee...a slave to the dollar that they own. The disease is called "status quo". The status quo is a disease that keeps you working in a system that will swallow you up and then spit you out to flounder around in your last days. 

Do we need jobs? Yes! But you do not have to be dependant on a government sponsored financial system to survive. They have recently been printing so much money that is going to leave so many people destitute in their retirement. I fear for so many in my own family because they have their retirement in a cash system that is in so much trouble right now. Fiat currency is on the brink of failure, but people don't realize what is happening because they don't understand how our currency system works, where our currency comes from, what makes it stable, and what makes it unstable. And unless the news media tells us what is going on we don't have the ability to figure out anything about the Fed or our banking systems because we are too lazy to learn anything about it. Even our churches will often misteach about wealth to the point that people mistakenly think of it as evil, or that they can just exist and God will take care of them. I believe He can, but I also believe there is more in the Bible that says "get off your butt, do what you can, and when it all falls apart I will be there to pick you up." 

This is why I'm mad as hell! The government has lulled the country to sleep, and even though I finally woke up, it was not in time to help protect my mom from what she is living through right now. I'm angry because this is exactly how the government has "fixed" things with Social Security. Yes, it is true that some people do wake up to these facts I'm laying out. Some people never have to wake up, but are born understanding that this system we live in is messed up! It is not what the founders had anticipated as far as I'm concerned. Every Government program or handout is nothing more than a way to buy your vote so they can still your money. 

Now I'm not saying that we should do away with government all together, and in no way am I an anarchist. All I'm saying is that you need to take the time to teach yourself what the government has failed to allow you to learn.  There are books on creating your own wealth, books on investing in stocks, trading stocks, trading currencies, investing in gold, investing in real estate, and so much more. DO IT! LEARN IT! 

I hear people say all the time that they want their kids to have more than they ever had, and to be more than they ever were. Well, put your money where your mouth is. If that statement is true, then no matter how old you or your children are, you start being more, you start having more. Read a book, learn a new skill. It doesn't matter if you are retired and think you are finished. Get up, make a decision to learn a new skill. Go learn how to buy a stock. Go buy some silver coins. Buy a rent house. Do something to show your kids how to be more and be better. They will follow your lead....even if you only lead them into more status quo.

You can change your future and theirs. 

It's your move! What's it gonna be?

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